What is EBT?
- EBT is used in all states to issue food stamp benefits
to recipients.
- Many states also issue cash benefits such as TANF
using EBT.
- Recipients are issued an "EBT Card" similar to a
bank ATM or debit card to receive and use their food
stamp and/or cash benefits.
- Benefits are automatically deposited onto the card
by the State.
- Recipients with food stamp benefits can use their
EBT Card for eligible food purchases at most grocery
stores and some other retailers. Food stamps can only
be used for food and for plants and seeds to grow
food for your household to eat. Food stamps cannot
be used to buy:
- Any nonfood item, such as pet foods, soaps, paper
products, and household supplies, grooming items, toothpaste,
and cosmetics.
- Alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
- Vitamins and medicines.
- Recipients with cash benefits can use their EBT
Card like cash for purchases and cash-back with purchases
at grocery stores and at most ATMs (automated teller